Where to Learn Languages in NYC


New York City: melting pot, meeting place, and all-around international hotspot. With a history built on immigration, cultural diversity, and new lives for those who come from abroad, New York City is perhaps the international city. With this status comes a vibrant and eclectic language base. While internationals in the past might have wanted to assimilate into US life and leave their mother tongue behind, this is no longer the case. It’s estimated that more than 800 separate languages are spoken within the five boroughs of NYC. By anyone’s reckoning, that’s impressive.With bilingualism becoming increasingly sought after in the world of work, and an almost necessary skill in a world where international travel is becoming the norm, those who speak more than their native tongue have a clear advantage in life. Certainly there are now both public and private schools that operate bilingually. Learning a second language grants the speaker access to an entire new world of culture – books, film, art, travel, friendships, and more.According to the 2000 US Census, the top five languages spoken at home in New York City are: Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Russian, and French. Useful languages to know if you’re living and working in the city! So, where can you learn them?


With approximately 45 million Spanish speakers in the US, Spanish is fast becoming the de facto second language of the nation. With a 2004 US census putting the number of Spanish speakers in New York State at roughly 16% of the population, there are clear cultural, economic, and personal benefits to learning this vibrant language. Even Mayor Bloomberg is taking lessons and addressing New Yorkers in their second language.In 1991, the Spanish government created the Instituto Cervantes to promote the Spanish language and the advancement of all cultures in the Spanish speaking world. Courses are available from the New York branch of the institute in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Children’s, teen’s, special, regular, intensive and super intensive classes are all offered. Fluency and accuracy are given equal emphasis in these classes.  You can also book private lessons on or off-site for utmost convenience. The institute’s Jorge Luis Borges Library, in midtown Manhattan, holds almost 80,000 books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, and more, and is open to the public.Cultural events are also organized throughout the year, from exhibitions of prominent Spanish artists to concerts, discussions, and film showings.The New York Spanish Language Meetup Group has nearly 7000 members, and all levels “from zero to native” are welcome to join. Socials include guided tours of museums, language workshops, and even hiking in Spanish – a real treat. Membership is free and there are established monthly Spanish conversation workshops.


With the increasing economic and political growth of China, Mandarin Chinese lessons (preferable over Cantonese) have become practically de rigueur in NYC. A recent trend has parents hiring Chinese-speaking nannies and enrolling children in Chinese classes from a young age, hoping that the benefits later in life will be worth the expense. There’s certainly a booming market for Chinese study – but be warned, it is a harder tongue to learn than many European languages, and will take a serious commitment.The China Institute, founded in 1926, is dedicated to the promotion of Chinese culture and educating the U.S. public about all aspects of China including history, traditions, and language. Now a chartered institute within the State University of New York, Chinese language courses are taught at a range of levels. Pre-K to elementary classes are held after school throughout the academic year, giving children a great opportunity to learn from a native speaker in a fun, engaging manner. There are also family workshops where kids and parents can come together to learn crafts and play, all while speaking Chinese.High school summer immersion classes allow children to pick up the equivalent of one semester of Chinese study in a single summer. There are also summer stays in China for high schoolers, allowing students to become fully immersed as they study and live while surrounded by the language.Adult classes, starting soon (the week of September 24) run for ten weeks. There’s a range of levels taught, from absolute beginners to more advanced topics. Private tuition (up to three students) and individual tuition can also be arranged. Corporate members receive a discount on language classes.For conversation and new friends, there are a range of Meetup groups to choose from. NYC Original Chinese Language and Networking Meetup holds social events, organizes classes with fully certified Mandarin teachers, and is open to anyone, regardless of language level. Mandarin Mondays, meanwhile, offers conversation and fun to students of any level. The group meets, of course, every Monday. NYC Chinese Language and Culture Group promises “great food, conversation and fun” to enthusiasts and beginners alike.


The Italian Cultural Institute in New York, a branch of the Italian government, aims to act as a meeting place for intellectuals, artists and citizens to discuss, learn about, and promote Italian history, culture and business.  To this end, one of the main aims of the Institute is encouraging and supporting students of the Italian language. Beginner, intermediate, and special subject-specific classes are offered, and the Institute can also help you with study abroad programs in Italy. Scholarships are awarded by the Italian Schools and Language Center through the institute to students who would like to study abroad. Also at the institute you can take the exam to receive the Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language, a certificate attesting your communication skills in Italian.For your dose of Italian culture, a range of free and open-to-the-public events are organized by the institute including art showings, fashion design, and food and drink tastings.On Meetup, Italian Chat has over 1000 members who are fluent speakers and learners alike. The group encourages people to get together, form new friendships, meet up two or more times a month, and converse in Italian. All levels are welcome.


The Russian American Cultural Center, founded in 1998, seeks to provide permanent cultural representation to the 700,000-strong Russian speaking community in NYC. A strong cultural program including artistic, literary, and educational programs, seeks to make contemporary and historic Russian culture available to all. They run a Russian language club where all events are bilingual.If you’re looking for a chance to enjoy conversation and socialize, the New York City Russian Language Meetup Group  has over 1000 Russian speakers and an active social calendar. You can find like-minded friends, practice your speaking and listening and, crucially, find recommendations for tutors or private language schools.


The French Institute : Alliance Française, begun at the turn of the twentieth century,  is firmly established as the premier center for not only the promotion of French culture but the study and use of the French language.  Currently over 6000 students use the Language Center to learn French and the Haskell Library is the most comprehensive private French library in the US. Toddler, child, teen and adult classes are all open to the public, with multiple levels available. Customized one-on-one lessons are also taught at FIAF or in the comfort of your own homeThe New York French Language Meetup Group, fast approaching 2000 members, brings French expats, Francophiles, and all students of French together to enjoy conversation, film, and general bon tempsRendez-Vous NYC has held over 200 events in just three years, and regularly holds movie showings, picnics in the park, and even a summer cruise.So, with so much on offer right here in the city, what are you waiting for? Start learning today!Article updated November 12, 2014