Top 5 NY Business Newsletters Every International Should Read


In our busy, technology-driven world, more than ever our inboxes are being filled to the brim with emails and promotional offers from our favorite sites, news sources and products. Many sources offer useful information that is often beneficial to staying on top of your business and staying competitive in New York’s markets, yet the amount of information is astounding. Time spent trying to keep up with all the information out there can become stressful and lead to inefficiency in an already fast-paced career. Cut the clutter and pull updates from a few great names. New York International has taken the liberty of providing our own list of five NY business newsletters deemed worthy of entering your inbox.crainsCrain’s is a business information staple and must-read for an entrepreneur living and working in New York City. Crain’s offers one of the most diverse selections of newsletters available with options for various topics, as well as the reader’s choice of frequency and weekday email deliveries. Even the pickiest reader can find something specialized for them. The official newsletter is available on Mondays and is received by over 60,000 high level executives in New York City. The newsletter offers the best coverage of New York industries and the communities surrounding them. Whether this is your first experience working in New York, or you have been immersed in the industry at length, Crain’s is a quality information source and our first choice for business news.bitsThe New York Times is known for providing prestigious, world-class news from the most talented and informed journalists. To compete with the mania of tech information websites, the New York Times launched Bits, its very own technology blog. In seeking to provide the best information available, the Times hired contributors from top companies and introduced Scuttlebot, a section of the staff’s top choices for news they feel is a must-read. On Mondays a weekly column titled “Disruptions” explains how technology is making an impact on business and society. The New York Times sends out custom daily newsletters for a range of topics, but for information on the latest tech advancements and news, NYT Bits is the best and easily one of the most popular. Register here for a daily subscription of Bits, or browse their extensive list of other newsletter categories for all of your interests in today’s ever changing world.SiliconAlleyInsiderLogoBusiness Insider has a newsletter specially designed for the latest New York business and technology news. Silicon Alley Insider (SAI) is the technology section of the site. They believe that their approach to delivering news – pulling mass amounts of articles from a variety of writers at rapid speeds -  is the future of journalism,  SAI  has been rising in popularity for its Wall Street-informed approach. Though the site is relatively new, it is leading the way in “new journalism,” and overarching Business Insider now competes with companies such as Forbes and Fortune. The site does provide some blogger style posts, which vary drastically in quality, but the meat of the content is pulled from respected news chambers for a one-stop reading zone. The site also adds original content, such as interviews with people involved in New York’s Silicon Alley. The most popular and relevant newsletters offered on the site are Tech Select and Business Select. We recommend trying out both for full coverage of the industry.mashableA current and trendy site, Mashable prides itself on gathering innovative digital information for the “connected generation.” Also a New York based aggregator, Mashable was founded in 2005 by Pete Cashmore and has blown up to an enormous scale, receiving 22 million unique monthly visitors. Mashable’s daily newsletter has received praise from Smart Sender for the its successful reading format and the fact that it can be customized specifically for your particular interests. So why choose Mashable over other blogs? Mashable is extremely popular and thus has the ability to pull articles and information from a wide range of contributors. Mashable never stops. The site keeps up with the pace of New Yorkers, providing the fastest tech news delivery packed with plenty of headlines to browse on your morning commute. Do be sure to customize your newsletter’s content for your needs. Mashable is a great source for tech and entrepreneurs, but it can also post a lot of fluff articles that can detract from valuable information.This is Going to be BIG…In addition to newsletters by mega sites, we recommend adding a reliable blogger to your daily reads. According to Panorama, blogs are now the 5th most trustworthy source for information on the Internet and can be a meaningful resource on a personal level. Of course, finding the right blogger is important and can feel like an overwhelming task with the sheer amount to choose from. Author Charlie O’Donnell of is a New York native and certainly no newcomer to the tech industry. Currently a partner at Brooklyn Bridge Ventures and teaching entrepreneurship at Fordham University, O’Donnell launched his blog in February 2004. He provides interesting thoughts on various topics in the New York tech industry. Aside from industry postings, he also talks of life in New York City, such as running the New York City Marathon. This is Going to be Big is a first-hand account of working in this city and is a beneficial read for newcomers and New Yorkers alike. After reading a regular blogger’s content, you may also be inspired to create your own blog to boost your business. Content Hero found that 55% of companies with a blog get more traffic than those who do not blog. This alone is a valuable consideration.