Using Slack to Build Communities


Claire Wasserman, Founder of Ladies Get Paid used Slack as a way for attendees to connect at an event she organized for women to speak up about money and the gender gap earlier this year. Scrolling through the conversation after the event, she came up with the idea of using Slack as a medium for participants to continue the conversation.What she saw was after four months, over twenty thousand messages had been sent on the free internal communication tool. There are now twenty channels separated by city and topic. "Slack feels like secret clubhouse where we can openly share our stories, voice our challenges and frustrations."As the organizer of Ladies Get Paid, the Slack group has been useful for identifying themes to explore for upcoming events based on what keeps coming up on slack. This led Claire to start her own company to create an empowered community and teach women the skills they need to get ahead in their careers. Read more about how Slack can be used in this regard and the advantages it holds here.

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