Berlin State of Mind


While catapulting itself into a strong position to drive new rounds of innovation and investments into Germany's capital, Berlin has yet to define its pitch to truly compete on the international playing field with the likes of London, Tel Aviv, New York, Silicon Valley, or Seoul.Annual appearances on the global stage over the past few years to highlight Berlin's unique history, business culture, and extremely talented entrepreneurs have opened doors and windows of opportunity for Berlin to become the center of attention for thriving national and international startups.Among those who believe in Berlin's flourishing future as a global startup and business hub, is Benjamin Rohé, Managing Director at GTEC (German Tech Entrepreneurship Center). At our annual TEP Conference, a platform for Berlin and its startups to present themselves in a transatlantic setting, Benjamin shared his perspective and outlook on the "Berlin State of Mind". Screenshot 2015-10-21 10.19.16

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