A Focus on Media and Journalism at Northside 2017


From June 7th – 11th North Brooklyn was epicenter for innovation in New York City. For five days over 200 of the best and brightest names in global innovation transcended upon a variety of venues in Williamsburg to discover the future in tech, media, entrepreneurship, culture, and music. Each day was filled with inspiring talks, invigorating discussions and tactical workshops covering everything for the necessary for a successful entrepreneur and innovator. Topics included fundraising, product development, advertising and branding, and recruitment for today’s business climate.With NY Intl’s FutureC concept, it is appropriate to note that this year the festival went even deeper with the launch of the Northside Report, to examine the current and future state of content, media, journalism, and information. Curated by The Intercept and BuzzFeed News, this entirely new track of discussion focused on “the role of the media and the new rules of journalism in 2017” and was titled “’You are Fake News’: Truth, Lies, and Politics in the Age of Trump”. The discussion included talks with industry new players such as Facebook and Vox, and conventional media outlets The New York Times and The Atlantic.One of the most interesting discussions was had between BuzFeed News Editor-in-Chief, Ben Smith and Mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio. Mayor de Blasio believes that media can and only will stay relevant when it speaks to people’s everyday life, on issues such as economic and social issues, and less on the “scandalous flavor of the moment”. He thinks that the tabloid nature of media cannot last and that the media approach of yesterday is changing. The Mayor called for a resurgence of public media and a dissent from powerful corporate control “because the approach is outdated” and unfavorable to the masses. The Mayor recognizes social media as a genuine alternative and it’s importance in the future of content but cautioned against the rise of “fake news”.