TEP focus on Data Collaboration


We are planning this year's TEP. Here is our planning and a guide to the most important explanations to terms and institutions.Program componentsTEP will be an introduction to the New York tech eco-system and provide hands-on advice for international startups coming to the City.  This year’s focus topic will data collaboration.The introduction into the City’s ecosystem is supported by a number of partners as in the previous years.The goal has not changed: enable young companies to expand faster and cheaper than ever and enable cities to collaborate on innovation for the benefit of all.Here are words and institutions that might be confusing.TEPTEP stands for Transatlantic Entrepreneur Partnership. It was founded in 2011 by three Germans with the support of the German Consul General in New York City and the American Council on Germany with the goal to connect around a topic that has vast implications and is rapidly changing: new ways to start and build companies.Start AllianceInitiated by the Brooklyn Borough President and the City of Berlin, the Start Alliance is a collaboration of 10 global tech hubs to support young companies in their international expansion.NYC/BER Action PlanBased on a memorandum of understanding signed in June 2018 the cities of New York and Berlin agreed to collaborate in areas of common interest. This includes the support of startups to scale, the exchange of initiatives in area of data management (“Data Alliance”) and the building of specific industry platforms to collaborate like health tech.Data AllianceAs part of the NYC/BER action plan, the city agencies Berlin Partner and the NYCEDC agreed to share data and facilitate the exchange around data-related city projects. The initiative has a focus on enabling young data companies to offer and expand faster. In 2019 the first “DATA & AI” study trip is planned to Berlin, enabling young data companies to solve the city’s data challenges.

Blog, Business in NYCDanny O'Brien