International Day: September 17, 2015 in NYC

 Hello World! Hey New York! The world is just a subway ride away this September 17th, International Day 2015, when we will connect international entrepreneurs, investors, media, trade commissioners, and political decision makers to facilitate entering new markets, scaling innovations and exploring on-the-spot business opportunities.
[gap]Facilitated by our local friends and industry experts, Tomorrow Lab, Tiger Labs, The Made in NY Media Center, Partnership Fund for New York City, and Urban Future Lab, participants will explore the trends, challenges and opportunities across five industry tracks during hands-on roundtable sessions in New Manufacturing, Connected Health, New Media and Publishing, Fintech, and Smart Cities.
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     Following the bigger picture discussion, local innovators and influencers will share their experience and advise on how to successfully navigate the NYC ecosystem within the respective industry.Breakout sessions will give NYC and US-based startups looking to expand abroad an opportunity to learn and connect with trade commissioners and enablers from a variety of international markets, including:

  • London
  • Berlin
  • Barcelona
  • Toronto
  • Taipei
  • ...more to be announced shortly!

All attending startups have a chance to present their products, services, and innovations at the on-site expo where they can also attend info sessions with local service providers, partners and influencers. Selected startups will be actively included in the program for even more exposure. Please apply here on F6S.Many more events are going on that day and week. After all, it comes down to actually doing business; that's what the week is for.International Day 2015 is the culmination of our annual conference week and is preceded by the Transatlantic Entrepreneur Partnership Conference that runs from Monday, Sep 14th, through Wednesday, Sep 16th.  Please find more details and registration on our conference website.Scaling Innovations | September 14-17, 2015 | New York City | Register on