The Magic of New York for Startups



The city has a unique energy. The vitality of the city makes it a fascinating place to live, but it can also be a lively place to grow a business. Here are a few reasons New York City can be a great place for startups:The sheer volume and density of people in the city is astounding. New York is the most populous city in the U.S. with close to 8.5 million people, according to the most recent census data -- and among the densest cities worldwide. The large population and concentration amps up the energy level of the city. Millions of people are rushing around, creating a fast-paced atmosphere that never stops.What this means for startups: With a wide variety of diverse people from investors to partners to customers and others, finding and networking with the right people can be at a startup’s fingertips in New York.There’s always something to do in New York City. From Times Square,Greenwich Village,Central Park to museums, restaurants and shops, there’s an unending number of activity options no matter the time of day.What this means for startups: There’s a big advantage to being in a city that never sleeps. Meet with an investor in a coffee shop or diner 24/7, entertain a visiting stakeholder at a myriad of awesome venues, or keep creative juices flowing at all hours of the night. In Silicon Valley, finding a neighborhood cafe open at 2 a.m. to keep new ideas coming and get work done is a challenge. In New York, it’s standard.