New York International Launch World Innovation Tours at Tech Day


Having spent the past four years fostering transatlantic collaboration & bringing the world to NYC, NY Intl are leveraging our relationships with cities across the globe to introduce U.S. based startups to the most exciting emerging startup ecosystems in the world.'World Innovation Tours' are a groundbreaking opportunity for startups to expand further and faster and establish access points in new innovative markets. In a combined trip, we will introduces New York/U.S. based and international startups & corporates to the diverse business and startup ecosystems in Europe and Asia to facilitate collaboration & establish strategic partnerships in markets that are tough to enter due to cultural differences, lack of knowledge etc.Together with its partners and supported by the Brooklyn Borough President,World Innovation Tour ASIA (Nov 20 - Dec  5th) will provide a valuable introduction to the diverse ecosystems of Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong & Shenzhen where a program will be organised on the ground comprising of meetings with potential partners, investors, site visits etc. - everything you need to know when considering expansion in a particular market.The first tour to Asia was launched at Tech Day Tech Day where we were joined by representatives of participating countries to meet the NYC startup community, offer more information about the tour and how to get involved. Further details and how to apply is available on our dedicated website available here. European tours will also be announced over the coming months.  The tours will be part of a platform for ongoing partnership & exchange between New York, participating cities & our international partners.